Sunday, May 14, 2006


Clip For
Counter Strike

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    If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed and color, we would find some other cause for prejudice by noon.
    - George Aiken
    Thank God men cannot as yet fly and lay waste the sky as well as the earth!
    - Henry David Thoreau
    The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends.
    - Friedrich Nietzsche
    Weather forcast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning.
    - George Carlin
    My Karma ran over your dogma.
    - Unknown
    You've achieved success in your field when you don't know whether what you're doing is work or play.
    - Warren Beatty
    God help those who do not help themselves.
    - Wilson Mizner
    I have seen the future and it doesn't work.
    - Robert Fulford
    By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong.
    - Charles Wadsworth
    The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.
    - BF Skinner
    [It's] time for the human race to enter the solar system.
    - Dan Quayle
    Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.
    - Samuel Butler

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